Kresimir BAKIC
Kresimir BAKIC is power system expert with 38 years of experiences with system research, planning, engineering, design, and standardization issues. First 27 years of his carrier he was with Electric Power Research Institute Milan Vidmar, as Head of system planning department as well as part time participating in education program at University of Ljubljana. Last eleven years he is with TSO ELES as senior adviser. He published more than 300 papers, expert reports, studies, and couple of books. He was principal investigator of many energy projects.
From 2005 Kresimir Bakic is chairman of the Slovenian Association of Electric Power Engineers, National Committee of CIGRE (International Council of Large Electrical systems) and CIRED (International Forum of Electric Power Distribution). For his outstanding contribution to the work of Study Committee C1 “Development and Economy of Systems”, he received the CIGRE Technical Committee Award. Recently he was elected as the first chairman of South East European Region of CIGRE, covering ten countries.
His present interests are Energy policy, new technologies, Smart Grids issues, standardization of the OHLs, and history of electricity.