Purpose and Summary:
World Energy Council Slovenian Member Committee, the Energy Industry Chamber of Slovenia with support of international energy experts and WEC Secretariat are organizing Conference Energy policy consideration — The urgency of international cooperation. This event is a continuation of discussions within the Conference Energy policy consideration - Present state and development, which took place in 26 September 2013 in Ljubljana.
Positive responses in Slovenia and abroad to the last year Conference encouraged the initiation of the new event in the frame of the headline Energy policy consideration. The energy issues are becoming more and more complex, they include new and unpredicted risks which shall be analysed and addressed in an expert debate, as well as included in decision making processes in governments and in energy industry. We are truly convinced that more intensive dialogue between the energy policymakers is needed. This concern would be addressed in our Conference The urgency of international cooperation in 19th May 2014 in Ljubljana.
European economy is more than ever before engaged with global economies. Some of those economies succeeded in economic growth, resulting also in huge energy consumption. Environmental objectives of energy sector are mainly not included in energy policies of those economies and countries. The strategic struggle for energy resources around the world is a long term, vicious process, and is not always driven by market based “win-win” mechanisms. In order to support the competitiveness of the European economy in the global arena, European energy policy needs to be adjusted to become a long term stable framework for energy business. European Union energy policy has adopted common directions that are mirrored in the legislation, energy and climate objectives, and relations with third countries. However, the circumstances in twenty-eight Member States differ as their energy policies.
The Union is constituted by regions, each of them include defragmented energy policies that more or less effectively attempt to interact also regionally. The examples in the Union show that the unilateral measures taken by one Member State significantly impact the situation of neighbouring countries. The States in Central and South East Europe are important for energy transit. Cooperation with them and countries and regions with energy sources is essential; it could be defined as crucial, despite the zero-carbon European road in Union energy future.
The Conference will discuss the current Union energy policy and what would be necessary to be re-defined and set up again. National energy strategies are not limited to the borders of the European Union or the Member States. The formation and realization of national energy policy without a dialogue with neighbouring countries may bring along instability of energy policy. In order to avoid conflicts among countries or regions, and to avoid "lose-lose" situations, the international cooperation on energy policies between the countries is urgent.